Join hosts Karen Garnett and Brett Attebery as they welcome Bridget VanMeans, President/Vision Leader of ThriVe Nation, to The National Prayer Luncheon for Life Pro-Life Impact Show for an update on the national launch of ThriVe+ Express Women’s Healthcare – “Telehealth Everywhere”. Bridget shares the most recently learned tactics of “the Plan C Team” – the chilling fact that they have obtained the cell phone numbers of millions of young women 18-24 across the country and have already sent targeted text messages straight to their phones, “pre-advertising” to “click here” to get your abortion pills “when you need them.” This new tactic of the abortion industry to try to “eliminate the search option” – essentially to eliminate connections to life-affirming alternatives – further proves the need for ThriVe+ to seize this unprecedented moment and proactively advertise the beautiful, empowering choice of life. ThriVe+ offers 24-second “speed to nurse” telehealth service in this groundbreaking, cutting-edge new nationwide model, rather than Planned Parenthood and “the Plan C Team’s” disempowering “solution” of abortion. Watch and share!