Join host Karen Garnett for this Special Episode 46 of The National Prayer Luncheon for Life Pro-Life Impact Show: The Importance of Voting – sharing two short, educational and inspirational teaching messages from our friend and colleague Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life and EndAbortion.US, from his Elections video series. The video series explores why we have a duty to vote, and what the principles of America, the teachings of the Gospel and the Church, and the dictates of common sense compel us to do as elections draw near, exploring both the theoretical and the practical aspects of elections, and how you as a voter can fulfill your own responsibility and enable countless others to do the same! With the critical 2022 midterm elections next Tuesday, November 8, today we share “Voting: An Aspect of Loving God and Neighbor” and “Don’t ‘Sit Out’ the Elections!” Please watch and share with others, pray, serve, and be sure to VOTE!