Join hosts Karen Garnett and Brett Attebery as they welcome the fifth of our NPLL 2023 Pro-Life Impact Award and Pro-Life Impact Grant Nominees: Josh Brahm, Founder & President of Equal Rights Institute, to The National Prayer Luncheon for Life Pro-Life Impact Show! Equal Rights Institute is an international pro-life apologetics organization that trains pro-life advocates to think clearly, reason honestly, and argue persuasively. Their philosophical and uniquely relational approach helps students refute the toughest pro-abortion-choice arguments and actually change hearts and minds while loving the pro-abortion-choice person in front of them. In addition to ERI’s two comprehensive online courses and wildly popular video social media content, ERI’s speakers, Josh Brahm and Emily Albrecht, travel internationally to present effective pro-life arguments to both pro-life and pro-abortion-choice audiences, including platform speaking events at conferences in England, Denmark, and Canada in just the next month and a half! ERI has been sought out to present the pro-life position on national and international media, including interviews in 2022 on MSNBC, BBC News, EWTN, and Relevant Radio, which reached millions of pro-abortion-choice people with intelligent and loving pro-life arguments for the very first time. Since 2014, ERI has reached 5,106,795 people with its content through public speaking, consulting, videos, podcasts, and online courses. You’ll love this inspiring conversation with Josh!